Our Principles & Practices

Accelerating flow of product

If you make products, productivity and output are critical.  Increasing these enables you to produce more with the same or fewer resources, leading to improved efficiency and profitability.

In the dynamic world of manufacturing, the ability to produce more with less is a defining factor for success.  We’ve worked with organisations producing batteries, trains and even houses to accelerate their production flows to deliver greater capacity faster. 

These are some of the most common challenges we see here are.

Familiar faults.svg

Familiar Faults

Teams are "solving" the same problems today as the ones that they "solved" yesterday.

tool focus.svg

Tool Focus

Unthinking application of Lean tools in the wrong context (used to fix the wrong problem or not intended to fix any problems at all).

Process variability.svg

Process Variability

High variability in the way that processes are performed and in process outcomes & performance (e.g. cycle time, quality, cost).

Process before performance.svg

Process before Performance

Organisations focused on improving status against maturity assessments ahead of improving their performance against key metrics (often based on an untested hypothesis that higher "maturity" equals better performance).

Ability attrition.svg

Ability Attrition

Very high staff turnover with team members unclear about the purpose of the organisation and the contribution that they make towards it. 

Mindless managers.svg

Mindless Management

Directive managers chasing  outputs without controlling inputs, whilst treating team members as dispensable.

Missing materials.svg

Missing Materials

Excessive time spent looking for data, information and materials and can't be sure it's the latest version when something is found.

Inoperable assets.svg

Inoperable Assets

Unreliable assets (machinery), driving high maintenance costs, low availability and sometimes poor quality products.

Incessant inventory.svg

Incessant Inventory

High levels of inventory - raw materials, work in progress & finished goods exist to buffer against variability in supply and demand. 

Normalised deviance.svg

Normalised Deviance

Mistakes are possible, likely and are expected and accepted. 

Greyscale hand holding a pinkish lens looking at the sea

We deliver

A 30x ROI in 100 days

We use our Release Valve® process to rapidly visualise flow of product through the value stream, identify constraints and bottlenecks and deploy solutions such as Lean, visual management and process optimisation to empower the people who deliver the most value for the organisation, resulting in 30x ROI in 100 days.

Book a Flow Release Review

Our goal is to excite our clients through innovative products and services