
Bitesize Learning: The DNA of a Lean Leader

In today’s episode we talk to Paul Healing about the DNA of a Lean Leader. He emphasises the importance of 3 key activities as a Leader:

  • "Go-Look-See" i.e. going to the real place where value is added to observe real work taking place whilst engaging the people doing it to gain a true understanding of what's really happening. This is based on the principle that "there is no substitution for direct observation".
  • Frequent experimentation i.e. encouraging and working with teams to conduct short experiments on a regular basis as a way of delivering continuous improvement.​​​​​​​
  • Coaching i.e. asking great questions to help team members develop refinements in their "thinking way".

As always Paul is very open with us and shares his experience as well as reflecting on his own learning. He has a great way of combining storytelling and structure to bring clarity to any subject and this comes across in today’s podcast.